Working together to improve local bus services

Blackburn Private Hire has electric vehicles on trial as part of EP

To deliver on objectives identified within the Government published ‘Bus Back Better’ strategy, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council are presently working with bus operators to enter into an Enhanced Partnership (EP).

This is a statutory partnership between the Local Transport Authority and their local bus operators, that sets out how we will work together to deliver on our published Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) outcomes.

BwD & Lancashire Bus Service Improvement Plan | The Shuttle: Blackburn with Darwen Council News

One of the objectives identified within the Government strategy was to “deliver 4,000 new British-built electric or hydrogen buses will provide clean, quiet, zero-emission travel” and we are pleased that Blackburn Private Hire presently has one of those electric vehicles on trial.

Blackburn Private Hire Director, Leesa Vogt said:

“Trialling an electric vehicle with zero-emissions has got to be the way to the future, better for the environment and passengers alike.”

Blackburn with Darwen’s Executive Member for Growth and Development, Cllr Phil Riley said:

Offering bus travellers improved levels of comfort on their journeys is one of the corner stones of the Bus Improvement Plan but it’s also vital that carbon emissions are controlled to slow down the rate of climate change. It’s great to see that Blackburn Private Hire are trying out a new vehicle that could achieve both objectives.”


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