The Mentoring Programme
The CONNECT Project offered a free day training course which was aimed at providing the skills and knowledge to both mentors and mentees to enable them to participate in a mentoring relationship.
Mentoring relationships are unique alliances shaped by a particular mentor’s talents and resources, and by a mentee’s needs and abilities.
Mentoring is a one-to-one relationship over a period of time between the company employee (mentor) and a client on a work placement, trial or experience, apprenticeship, volunteering opportunity or new employment (mentee), which provides consistent support, guidance and practical help as the mentee goes through the initial period with the company.
To find out more about the Mentoring Scheme and the benefits to you and your organisation; please open the Mentoring Leaflet.
CLICK HERE FOR BOOKING FORM: Booking form for Mentors 2020 Nov
Upcoming Mentoring Courses
2021/2022 – Due to current funding this course has ceased at present.